helping missionaries help special people

helping missionaries help special people

  • Don't Drop Your Attorney When You Get Your Green Card

    If you recently got your green card and are now a lawful permanent resident of the United States, you might be looking forward to dropping those immigration attorney costs out of your monthly budget. But don't be too hasty to do that. Your circumstances may change, and you may decide to actually give up your card. But if you want to keep the card, you have to be careful not to have it revoked, which can happen much more quickly and easily than you think.

  • Exploring The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Dual Citizenship

    Dual citizenship occurs when a person holds citizenship in two countries. This can occur at birth, particularly if a child is born while visiting another country and that country provides birth citizenship. In that case, the child would be granted citizenship to the country he or she was born in, and may still retain citizenship to the country that his or her parents are from. In other cases, adults can choose to become naturalized citizens of another country while retaining their previous citizenship.

2023© helping missionaries help special people
About Me
helping missionaries help special people

One of the greatest things about being a member of my church is getting to meet people from all over the world. We bring missionaries in to speak for special events, and some of them bring guests from other countries with them. Last year, one man brought a woman and her child with him to an event, and they were the nicest people I have ever met. She told of her struggles at home and how she faced such extreme situations each day. Our church was able to help her get an immigration attorney and helped her stay in the country.